Monday 16 April 2012

April 9, 2012

Over the Easter weekend, the first major visible change at Papakura had begun to take shape, in the form of the reconfiguration of the north section of east loop and stabling yard, and the realignment of the Down main (southbound track).

A ballast train sits on the realigned Down main during an Easter shutdown. The east loop is now simply a siding that terminates (for now), and the stabling yard tracks now connect directly to the mainline
Eventually, the east loop will become a third main through the station for freight trains to use, and the current Down main will connect to this.

Work had also been done on the crossovers (which allow trains to switch from one track to another) north of the station.
A freight train waits to enter the worksite as men stand clear of crossover work
Here, the two existing crossovers are being removed, with the two new crossovers being completed and commissioned.

Stay tuned for another update when things change again.

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