Friday 8 February 2013

A trip down Memory Line

Some people (especially those who have been around longer than I have) may remember what Papakura station used to look like way back in 1991, when the current diesel multiple unit (DMU) trains were still in service in Perth (just), and when ordinary freight locomotives were hauling plain red carriages*.

While browsing the Campaign for Better Transport Forums, I noticed user AKL_Train_Driver had posted some old videos from back in the day, including this gem from Papakura:

The station has been virtually obliterated and rebuilt since then: Platform 3 still has the old shelter, the old footbridge was still around (the current one opened in 2007), the bus depot still stands, Clevedon Road still had the old two-lane bridge and Noel Leeming etc. were still years away from development. It's interesting to see how the station has changed in a little over 20 years.

*Although similar trains do run today, these are vastly improved over the old trains, using carriages extensively rebuilt for suburban service instead of using the nearest available carriage, and with controls at both ends of the train instead of having to turn the locomotive (which was the nearest available freight locomotive).

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